Elan Arch

St. Pauls Close TW3

  • Year Of Planning :
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Year Of Planning


Year Of Build

United Kingdom


Mojca Sterle

We propose creating a multi functional space where you can make a choice: either to retire or be together with everybody. The space, clear of all unnecessary items, will take you to another dimension and help you to get tuned to a calm repose.  Lot’s of light and air. In the center of the room there is a functional zoning volume, a white cube, dividing the entire living room into 5 zones: active pastime area, TV area, dressing area, secluded relaxation area and the central area – relaxation area, located inside the white volume.

By using angled walls for the extension on the first floor, we were able to comply with the 45-degree rule local planning authorities use to ensure that neighbours do not lose their access to daylight and sunlight. But rather than treat those angled walls as a merely practical solution to a technical problem, we mirrored them on the ground-floor, using them to give the design of the house a bold new dynamism.

When designing the scheme, we took an imaginative approach that took advantage of the layout of creative house extension so that it transitions well into the garden space. With meticulous attention to detail, we considered all the specifics that produce an integrated scheme. By doing this, our creative house extension design approach fulfilled our clients’ wish for a house that was much more exciting than it had been before, at the same time as both storeys of the extension provided a huge increase in living space.